Total Medals Earned: 3,655 (From 747 different games.) Total Medal Score: 57,010 Points
Medals Earned: 3/16 (20/310 points)
Get a score of 15,000
Fall to your death
Attain 25,000 points in one round
Come back 5 seperate times to play
Jump to a really far away platform
Fall really far but don't die
Get hit 5 times in 5 seconds
Play one round collecting only coins. Get three.
Garner 50,000 points in one round
Gather 1,000,000 points in total
Climb 10,000 pixels without taking damage
Vaporize 75 globs of goo on your forcefield
Climb 7,500 pixels with the lowest amount of health possible
Get hit by goo of every color in one round
Get one hundred THOUSAND points
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 2/14 (10/445 points)
you read the help
10 enemies killed
50 enemies killed
paint the car in the shop at least once
kill 500 enemies
launch 25 rockets
mission "Crystal is Forever" completed
complet mission "Quantum of Power"
use turbo-booster 50 times
collect 18 golden badges
complete mission "Gold wheel"
all of the weapons in the shop purchased
collect 36 golden badges
purchase all of the upgrades in the shop
Medals Earned: 1/6 (25/310 points)
Kill 100 bots
50 blocks destroyed
30 blocks destroyed
Kill 500 bots
Kill the boss!!
Reward for anyone who successfully complete the game
Medals Earned: 1/7 (5/200 points)
Score 50 points in easy mode.
Score 50 points in medium mode.
Score 50 points in advanced mode.
Score 100 points in nightmare mode.
Medals Earned: 15/16 (395/420 points)
Reach 100 kills.
Collect 20 coins.
Collect 25 diamonds.
Collect 25 greens.
Collect 500 coins.
Collect 500 diamonds.
Collect 50 blues.
Get a x50 multiplier.
Achieve 1000 kills.
Collect 250 blues.
Get a x100 multiplier.
Collect 1000 diamonds.
Collect 2500 coins.
Get an x150 multiplier.
Complete the game!
Achieve 2500 kills.
Medals Earned: 7/11 (225/435 points)
I TOLD you dog!
6d 69 73 73 69 6e 67 6e 6f 0d 0a
Lose 6 points
Win the aggressive way
Win the epic way
Fail 55 times
Win the undetected way
I did it on purpose...
Watch all 40 unique fails
You know you want this medal
Medals Earned: 1/11 (5/465 points)
Complete the first level
Collect 30 stars
Like us on Facebook!
Click the StaalMedia button
Click the DuqueKarl button
Achieve more than 100,000 points!
Collect 60 stars
Collect 90 stars
Complete all levels!
Medals Earned: 1/8 (5/365 points)
Reach first checkpoint
Collect 10 coins
Reach first half of all checkpoints
Collect 20 coins
Reach all checkpoints
Collect half of all coins
Collect all coins
Reach all checkpoints in a single run
Medals Earned: 6/7 (120/220 points)
Kill the first enemy.
Destroy all the bunnies.
Explode the big mean door.
Complete the game.
Die over 100 times.
Defeat Slash in Guitar Hero.
Finish the game without dying more than 20 times.
Medals Earned: 1/1 (10/10 points)
You finished the strange maze!